The story centers on Yozora Fujimitsu, a newly admitted student to North Gate National Military Academy, a school where the elite gather. Yozora possesses both beauty and intelligence, but he immediately feels uneasy at his new school. He thinks, "At this school, there's some kind of big secret." A vortex of speculations occupies Yozora as he's led toward that secret. (Source: ANN)
Included one-shots: Volume 4: Akai Tsuki no Hanashi Volume 6: Kiss Me Quick
The first portion of the manga takes place three years before the original Drakengard. One, along with his elven companion Nero, travel through Midgard killing all those that suffer from the Red Eye disease, eventually killing the current head of the Cult of Watchers, Fey. The second portion of the manga consists of a flashback that takes place six years before the original Drakengard, on the day of Caim's birthday. It details the spread of the Red Eye disease throughout Caerleon and the death of Caim's parents at the hands of Legna (Source: Drakengard Wikia)
ComedyParodySlice of Life
A comedy manga following the escapades of Maoko, a strange girl who lives in a laundromat, prone to scaring customers by jumping out on them from the dryer. Each chapter follows Maoko and a variety of other characters who frequent her laundromat, and often revolve around an aspect of life, from Christmas to job hunting to getting a pet and more.
FantasyRomanceSlice of Life
Sujin Park is a young girl from a small village who suddenly finds herself moving to a big city far away from home because of a new job. For the very first time, she must learn to navigate life and work all by herself while also suddenly becoming the caretaker of a creature known as the sock monster. (Source: SpotToon)
ComedySlice of Life
Fuse are a hybrid creatures of humans and dogs. As there were rumors saying that they killed humans and ate their souls, the Shogun Government offered high bounty for hunting them. Hamaji is a young female huntress living in the rural part of Mutsu while her brother Dousetsu was living in Edo. The story began as Hamaji went to Edo in order to help her brother to earn some bounty. But in Edo, she met a mysterious young men being chased by others. His name is Shino... (Source: Wikipedia)
Included one-shot: Volume 4: Tamagawa nite
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