The show starts with the tale of Chitose Fujinomiya, a girl who goes from riches to rags and back and remains a snob despite it all. When her wealthy father dies, remaining debts leave Chitose almost broke, and she is kicked out of the affluent Tokai no Gakuen, or City Academy. She is left with nothing in the world but the clothes on her back and one pink goldfish named Gyopi-chan, the only memento she has of her father. Wandering lost, she collapses on the grounds of the poor-but-happy Inaka no Chugakko (Country Jr. High School), where the students are rough if friendly, and farm animals regularly roam the school grounds and even attend class. Recovering, she enters into the school but is repelled by its air of poverty, to which she is unaccustomed. (Source: AnimeNFO)
In A.D. 1997. Having failed to conqer the Earth, Compiler and Assembler from Another World settle down in the residence of Nati and Toshi Igarashi whom they choose as their partners. As they start their literally unworldly community life, various Sudaran assassins arrive from Another World one after another to attack Compiler and Assembler, until, in good time, all of those begin to turn into old memories... Yes, in 2000, the last year of the century, Assembler has started to lead quite a different life --- a life as a "human being"...
Chery, tomboyish princess of the Afmet Kingdom is arranged by her parent to get married. The reason is that there's a fire dragon in their country that wakes up every 10 years. It's the country regulation to have a king which must also be a top level magician to rule there, and one of the king's duty is to make the dragon fall asleep every 10 years to save their country. Chery's dad, the king is now injured and so the kingdom need to find their new king, thus the reason for Chery to have to tied the knot with some top level magician. Chery doesn't want to get married, and one day before her future husband moves in the palace, she sneaked out to go to the concert instead. After the performance, she secretly sneaked into the band's dressing room and overheard her favorite duo discussing about the fire dragon and is startled, which cause her to get caught. Chery is now being restrained and now have to tack along with her favorite band to the fire dragon's lair. (Source: MU)
Motoko is a plain looking girl. Compared to her sister who is beautiful, good at sports and excels at studying, she is nothing. Then one day when she was on the bus she saw a radio, but this radio... can vanish by itself? And the sound coming from the radio is something she remembers from long ago... Ten years ago when Motoko was staying with her grandmother, she met a mysterious boy that she called Pook. When Pook had to leave the town, he told her that surely, if it's what she wants, they would meet again ten years from that very night. Thinking back to her childhood she can remember the promise they made to each other, but how is it significant? Following the incident with the radio she continues to see strange things at random intervals; a radio with legs that that can run, appear, and vanish quickly, a train in the sky, and a mysterious man that can disappear at will. Nobody else seems to see anything -- she's the only one. That same night the radio shows up once again in her room, says that same familiar phrase, and then runs off once again. This time Motoko is certain that it's something Pook used to tell her. Right after that, Motoko sees the train again, running across the night sky. Deciding that the radio wants her to follow it's trail, she sneaks out of the house and starts to follow it...
On January 3rd, 2097, a collision with a celestial object basically destroyed human civilization. Seventy years later, human survivors are still living in space, unable to return to their home planet. Some humans, called "Divers" are able to project an avatar to the earth in order to salvage information from earth-based computer networks. Suzuro is a 14-year-old freelance diver of incredible skill, but only a C-rank due to age restrictions. She works in a salvage ship with her pilot Ginga, who keeps the ship out of flying debris while she's connected to earth, and her assistant Shimugi. It's not only space debris colliding with the ship that could kill Suzuro while diving, there are also dangers waiting on earth that could kill her, just by interacting with her avatar. Suzuro must be certain that the cases she takes are worth the danger! (Source: MU)
Kasumi was given a name favored by the gods so she would always be protected. Yet, when there is a drought in her village, she's the one chosen as the human sacrifice to go to beg the gods for rain. Her parents are sad, but Kasumi goes anyway. When she gets to the heavens, they try to send her back, but she won't go until her village sees rain, and now she's determined to become a fairy of the heavens. If it'll take 1000 years to learn to ride the clouds, she knows she'd better start now! (Source: MU)
Keen, the magician along with his talking crow wanders the land to find Hy Brasail. Along the way, they meet a boy called Yuharu whom later join their journey altogether. Keen is not like the other magician, he rarely use magic and he hates human and seldomly help people. He always carried a brown leather bag around his neck. Inside the bag is a round mysterious seed which Keen deem to be very important stuff to him. Will Keen be able to go to Hy Brasail and what is the significant meaning of the seed in Keen's bag?
Manga that follows the adventures of the weapons' merchant Torneko as he hunts for treasure. (manga updates)
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