Data is a kind of Magical Boy series manga by Tachibana Kaimu. The two main characters, Sakura and Yuki, are on quests to gather stones with magical powers. In doing so they are also hoping to uncover the mystery as to why they both seem to have lost their memory. Although this is a shoujo series, I'm pretty positive theres also something shounen-ai going on between the two (subtle but there....). A lot of new characters who are also "hosts" for the stones join in the fun as the story progresses. (Source: GOoC)
Little witch Shidori predicts that Pavis is her fated lover and comes to the Royal Academy of Magic. However, under the influence of his father, Pavis hates the Demon Tribe and himself who shares the blood of the tribe. With the encouragement of Shidori, his view slowly changes… (Source: Esthetique)
Hyo Hwa, a young and beautiful witch princess who has eight brothers, lived a happy life until the civil war of the magical world started and her mother is killed. Reckless and stubborn, Hyo Hwa travels to the underworld to revive her dead mother. The king of hell agreed but the deal is : You must go to the human world and collect 10,000 pure souls. After long boring millenniums in the human world, Hyo Hwa decides to go to Korea for a change and.....not only does she meet some entertainment there...perhaps even love? (Souce: MU)
There was a youth who lived deep inside a forest, his name was Yuri. After many years of training, he gained a special trait which made his body able to withstand almost every kind of magic. One day, a beautiful elf named Firia, who was lost had arrived at his house. Yuri, who wanted to see the outside world, together with Firia, set out on a journey around the world. (Source: Novel Updates, edited)
JD lives a peaceful life with his grandfather on a small island, until bounty hunters show up looking for them! Will JD be able to put to use what his grandfather’s taught him to survive in a world of magical peril? And what is the nature of the Recast spell his grandfather’s cast on him? (Source: Tokyopop)
ComedySci-FiShoujo Ai
The world has somehow changed and isn't normal anymore... There are no boys to be found, and all the girls have become... (Source: Manga Rock)
The misadventures of Son Goku, Krillin, and other friends from the original story.
After an imprisonment of five days in Heaven, which equals five years on Earth, Soma is sent to the human world to recover the lost sword. Under the supervision of the heavenly princess Aroomee, Soma must deal with the chaos that his deeds have produced. (Source: Tokyopop)
Billy the Kid is a well-known outlaw who travelling with/protecting a girl named Axel. When Billy tried to steal Riot, the magical book of the Western Church, Axel, it's guardian, chased after and then killed Billy. When Billy's blood hit Riot, it decided to make a deal with Billy: full resurrection for Billy if he promises to protect Riot and Axel. Billy agrees to the deal. Meanwhile, in the Eastern Church, where the magical book Phantom is, evil forces lead by Cain want Riot so that he can use the powers of both books for his own personal gain, which includes reviving his friend Abel, who is Axel's older brother. Also, Billy is chased after by Ritchie, the friend he killed years ago, who somehow is revived and wants revenge. Series Information Info about the differences between 'Riot' and 'Riot of the World' along with serialisation information for each can be found under More Info.
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