Isekai Tennis Musou follows a high school tennis prodigy who is summoned to another world as a hero and finds it unimpressive when compared to the high school tennis nationals. Tennis is the most powerful superpower in this world: with his tennis skills he can crush a dragon with one hit or defeat an army of demons. But the demon king is also a tennis player. (Source: ANN)
The manga is based on Atlus' Shin Megami Tensei: Deep Strange Journey Nintendo 3DS game, and tells an untold story in the game's world. (Source: ANN)
When I woke up, I was a slime, and still a salaryman?! Moreover, Benimaru, Shuna, and everyone else is here, and I'm the section chief?! Rimuru's middle manager life begins without knowing the cause of it all! (Source: Kodansha, translated)
Yami Sukehiro, the captain of Asta's knight order, the Black Bulls, suddenly grows younger, just as a mysterious mage launches an attack on the Clover Kingdom. Join Asta and his friends as they embark on a new adventure of trials and tribulations. (Source: Bandai Namco Entertainment)
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